Six Common Myths about Heart Surgery

Six Common Myths about Heart Surgery

Patients with acute heart troubles are often recommended by the heart-surgeons to go for heart-surgeries. Many patients get unnecessarily panic hearing that they have to go through any heart-surgery. The reason is the thousands of myths going on in their heads that are very much prevalent these days. All these myths are absolutely false and baseless. If you visit any experienced surgeon of your nearby heart clinic then you might receive proper guidance and knowledge about modern heart-surgeries. 

Six popular heart-surgery related myths

  • Heart-surgery never interrupts your brain function and it has been scientifically proven. Many people are still of this idea that during a heart-surgery brain is being damaged or brain functions are being disturbed but nothing like that happens ever in reality. 
  • Heart is never taken out from a patient’s body during a heart-surgery in an Essex heart clinic. People who think that are nothing but a fool. As a matter of fact, apart from heart-transplantation no other heart-surgery involves heart removal physically. Sometimes, it is just a matter of a few incisions and the surgery gets completed.
  • Though there are some post-surgical restrictions but that would not hamper your regular activities at all. Many patients immediately after the surgery avoid driving or other usual day activities but it is never specifically mentioned by any surgeon. Now there is no need of waiting till six weeks rather after two weeks of the surgery daily work can be resumed.
  • People often tend to avoid bypass surgery as they think that it is much riskier than angioplasty but this is not true at all. The conditions often differ from one process to another but both are being safely conducted these days and thus there is nothing to worry.
  • TAVR has now become a popular choice than valve-surgery but the fact is that TAVR is not recommended at all. If you choose an expert heart-surgeon then both these procedures involve a lower risk.
  • Though robotic method of heart-surgery is less complicated but still the surgery success ultimately remains in the hands of the surgeon. Moreover, the process is quite expensive as well. You gotta understand this fact that complication is a part of every heart-surgery but it can be reduced or avoided only with proper pre-surgery precautions and with the advice of a good heart-surgeon. 

Apart from these six myths, many more are there but you are requested to stay away from these myths especially if you are going to have a heart-surgery in any heart clinic for the very first time. These kinds of unnecessary thoughts might disturb your blood-pressure level badly and it might certainly create a complication in your surgery at the end of the day.