Making Bathroom Improvements Ahead Of Winter

Making Bathroom Improvements Ahead Of Winter

With the arrival of autumn, many people will be preparing for the potentially chilly winter ahead. As well as digging out warmer garments, consumers may benefit from making some changes to their properties.

For example, before temperatures drop too much, homeowners might want to make enhancements to their bathrooms. These spaces can be havens of tranquillity, and they are especially important when conditions outside are cold and miserable. Being able to soak in a luxurious bathtub can be the perfect antidote to cases of the winter blues.

Anyone who does want to improve their bathrooms ahead of the big freeze can head online to check out the range of products available. This can be a quick and convenient means of finding modern toilets, baths, showers and other items.

Replacing outdated or dysfunctional bathroom toilets and other products may be a practical necessity in some households. Highlighting the importance of effective home maintenance at this point in the calendar, Tricia Phillips has advised people to put their houses in order sooner rather than later.

Writing in the Daily Mirror, she remarked: “Britain’s homes are in a state of disrepair and with the big chill fast approaching it could be time to do a bit of DIY so you don’t end up thousands of pounds out of pocket.”

She pointed to research conducted by Halifax Home Insurance that suggested one in ten homes is in need of major improvements, while half could benefit from minor work to get them in shape. Senior claims manager at the firm said: “In winter we tend to think less about our home’s exterior and retreat indoors. But there are some essential checks that need to be carried out to see it through the bad weather.

“Prevention is the key because much of the damage could be avoided if householders spend a small amount of time preparing for the bad weather. We have found that more than a quarter of people are unaware of what is and isn’t covered by their home insurance policy. By failing to properly maintain a property, home owners risk invalidating their insurance, potentially running up hefty bills if something goes wrong as a result of neglect.”

One area consumers may want to focus on is the pipes in their homes. Any weaknesses can be exposed in low temperatures. If the water in systems freezes, it can cause pipes to break and, in turn, this can lead to flooding.

Because it is now so easy for people to buy new toilets and other products, there is no reason to delay. As long as individuals find a suitable supplier, they can benefit from impressive value for money and buying the items takes a matter of moments over the web. All people need are a few spare moments and a web connection.

Although they will have to spend a little to benefit from these home improvements, this should prove to be a savvy investment. As well as helping to ensure that their properties are weather-proof this winter, the alterations could provide homeowners with greater peace of mind.

About the Author – Anna Longdin is a freelance blogger who contributes to a variety of home improvement websites, including