A Brief Look Into The Benefits Of Composting Wet Waste In Your Home

A Brief Look Into The Benefits Of Composting Wet Waste In Your Home

Before we start exploring the benefits of composting wet waste, it is best that you get familiar with the term.

Compost is simply an organic material that can be added directly to the soil. It acts as a natural fertiliser that is easily absorbed by plants all the while enhancing the health as well as the growth rate of the same.

Top waste management companies like www.skipthetip.com never fail to emphasise the importance of composting. The reason is simple – wet waste or biodegradable waste you throw away on a regular basis such as fruit/vegetable peels, leftover food, can be used as fertiliser which can cut the load on waste management infrastructure such as landfills.

When you start composting wet waste in your home, you are doing your part to reduce greenhouse gas (methane) emissions from landfills, by many folds.

Now that you are aware of what composting means and its importance, let’s take a detailed look into the benefits of composting in following sections now, shall we!?

It is a great way to retain the moisture content in your backyard’s soil

When you are composting wet waste in your home, you are returning moisture back to the soil when wet waste decomposes, it releases the water trapped inside food waste, fruit/vegetable peels.

Furthermore, the compost pit will also act as a water reservoir since it will be soaking up moisture after a rainy night thus providing water to your garden.

You can stop using chemical fertilisers now!

When you use chemical fertilisers in your garden, you are doing more harm than good. The chemicals in synthetic fertilisers find their way into the groundwater thereby causing water pollution.

Furthermore, chemical fertilisers, with repeated use, reduce the nutrient content of the soil.

When you are using compost from your compost pit as fertiliser for your garden, you are returning nutrients back to the soil thus helping nature to complete its nutrient cycle.

Sounds wonderful!? You bet!

You are limiting your carbon footprint

You are reducing the amount of trash your home is producing on a regular basis thus limiting the number of times the trash truck makes trips to your place. Less trash truck trips mean lower emissions which equals healthier air in your area!

You are also contributing to cut the amount of methane gas emissions from landfills in your area since you are keeping wet waste in your compost pit. Wet waste when undergoes anaerobic decomposition in landfills, emit methane gas in the process. This is not the case with the wet waste in your compost pit. Get the idea!?

It helps you to save money

If you look at composting closely, you will witness that you will also be saving a lot of money when you start practising this at your home. Since composting keeps the soil in your backyard and in your garden wet, this means you wouldn’t need to water your plants frequently, meaning low water bills.

Furthermore, you won’t be using chemical fertilisers or placing calls at a trash management company now and then to get rid of the trash. The result – your wallet remains fat!

You would need to keep track of your compost pit. Be very careful of what exactly you throw in and if you don’t, it can result in pest infestations and foul smell. If everything goes according to plan, your compost pit will be ready in about a month.

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