4 Best Smartphones Of 2017

4 Best Smartphones Of 2017

In 2017 the smartphones can really impress the users with their stunning design, unique features and amazing quality. Smartphones will have some specifications that will differentiate them from each other. The competition on the market makes the companies bend over backwards to be the market leader, due to this we regularly get more and more new innovations from different brands. Of course, nowadays it is possible to choose from cheap smartphones really good ones, but if you want the latest features, you have to consider the flagships. The flagships of this year are the following:

Samsung Galaxy S8 (Edge)

This is the successor of the Galaxy S7. Samsung Galaxy S7 was a huge success just like Galaxy Note 7 was a huge disappointment, because of the battery explosion problem. As you might know, many smartphones were destroyed, people were seriously injured and the properties were damaged. Even some countries banned Galaxy Note 7 inside the flights, but if we look at the current situation, they solved this problem and are now back on track, but it has made huge losses for Samsung in terms of money, reputation and consumer loyalty.

The company is counting on their next generation smartphone called Galaxy S8. As for the technical specifications of this device, it comes without a headphone jack, which means that it only has a USB port C Type-for audio, like Le Pro 3 and others. It seems that the smartphone is currently implementing this new technology, and ditch a 3.5 mm audio jack. Even Apple has removed the standard audio connector from their iPhone 7 and 7 Plus. Another good news is that the device is packed with a 4K resolution display.

The smartphone is equipped with at least 6G of RAM. The device also supports the latest 5G network capabilities.

Apple iPhone 8

The iPhone celebrated its tenth anniversary this year. Apple will make big changes, including skipping the ‘S’ nomenclature to go directly to the iPhone 8. As always, the rumors began to pick up the pace, and the last one is about the exciting change in design of this smartphone. IPhone 8 will have rounded edges on all sides. It will have the same overall dimensions, but their display size will increase from 5-inch to 5.8-inch, due to sloping design.

It is worth expecting the change of Apple’s OLED display panels. These new displays, will provide better color accuracy and deep shades of black. Also, the OLED plastic panels will allow the iPhone 8 screen to bend around the edges from all sides. LCD panels will appear on exclusive models of iPhone 8 Plus. The iPhone 8 will come with an advanced wireless charging technology that will allow users to charge the phone on the distance of 15 feet, without the need for wireless charging.

HTC 11

As we all know, HTC is one of the largest smartphone manufacturers in the world, and the company is well known for its high-end flagship devices. In 2017 we will witness a modernized version of HTC 10 which is named HTC 11. As for specifications, it will have a 5.5in QHD display with a resolution of 2560 x 1440 pixels, however some sources also suggested that the upcoming phone will have a 4K display, this is also possible. Of course, HTC prices are not low, but these phones are value for money.

OnePlus 4

OnePlus 4 will be the successor to OnePlus 3. But it is obvious that this device will be more efficient and powerful than its previous version. The previous version of OnePlus 3 is quite famous for its camera and its performance and now people expect some improvements in OnePlus 4, if compared to other upcoming smartphones.

The smartphone will be available with a 21-megapixel camera instead of 16MP camera. The upcoming smartphone OnePlus 4 will be equipped with 8 GB of RAM. We expect the quality of the screen to be at least (1440 x 2560), whereas in OnePlus 3 it only has (1920 × 1080) display resolution. From the processor’s point of view, it will be packed with Snapdragon 830. The device will run on Android 7.0, which is called Android N.

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